Star Of Aphrodite's Life Coaching for Men and Women

Elizabeth Stahl B.A., N.H.C., founder of Star of Aphrodite Life Coaching, The Goddess Party, and The Sacred Woman's Circle, guides men and women on a gentle and powerful journey into their own personal power, presence and purpose.

Elizabeth invites and encourages her clients to see their potential clearly and to step fully into their life's dreams.  

The Goals 2 Gold Process: 

Star of Aphrodite's 'Goals 2 Gold' process provides a proven curriculum from one of the top coaching institutes in the United States. This process is a template to support and guide clients into the changes and transformations they deeply desire. The 'Goals 2 Gold' technique takes you from your goals to your gold, by walking with you each step of the way. 




Star of Aphrodite Life Coaching offers support in a spectrum of issues such as:

*Physical Health and Well-Being - This guidance will help create a renewed sense of self-esteem, energy and vitality within you. We will establish a step by step approach to nourish your mind, body and spirit by activating holistic health and healing techniques. Learn to use your body’s inner wisdom to help with recovery from illness, addictions, lack of self-care and lethargy. Enjoy a greater sense of physical health and well-being, with this valuable, educational and experiential journey.

*Fulfilling your Purpose - Follow your bliss! Discover your purpose and create a more meaningful life. Tap into your dreams, your creativity and your prosperity. Explore what brings you joy and work towards your vision. Do what you love and love what you do.

The possibilities are limitless, just how big are your dreams?

 *Self-Esteem, Self-Love and Self-Worth - Move out of the “I am not good enough” syndrome and build your self-esteem, self-love and self-worth. Create goals that are positive and meaningful to you. Break down old beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck, fearful and in lack. You will learn how to show up authentically and step into your success.

 *Body Image - Break out of the ‘beauty myth’ and adopt new techniques for beautifying yourself from the inside out. Learn to love and accept yourself exactly as you are. Understand the principles of self-love and self-care.  Connect to the inherent beauty already within you, and discover how to let your radiance shine through. You are already perfect in every way.

*Relationship Rx - Moving out of loneliness and into loving connection.  Step by step guidance for reconnecting to your source of love, whether you are already in a relationship or not.

*Relationship Rx For Men - The Goddess guides you into: Accessing your authentic confidence to attract your rightful mate; transformation of your limiting beliefs about love and worthiness; step by step activation into a greater sense of your passion and purpose; finding the balance between the “Macho Man”, “The Eternal Child” and the “Too Nice Guy”; building self-esteem; creating more loving connections; and awakening the God within you.

*Relationship Rx For Women - The Goddess guides you into: The power of your own personal magic; aligning with your beauty and wholeness; witnessing and releasing your negative self-talk, your inner-critic and your saboteur; honoring the uniqueness of the woman you are; finding the balance between the “Ice Queen”, ” The Good Girl” and the “Slave to Love”; exploring new avenues of your feminine power and sensuality; building self-esteem; attracting the love you desire; and awakening the Goddess within you.

*Moving on from Loss or Divorce - Grief Relief and Emotional Rx. 

“Every adversity, every failure and every heart-ache carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or a greater Benefit”. – Napoleon Hill

Recreate your life, Rebirth your Self.  Discover who you are as a whole and complete person unto your Self; take baby steps and explore new ways of living in the world; create new connections and resources for support; honor your grief and emotions; invent new routines for self-care; uncover your hidden pleasures and passions; gather the gold or lessons of letting a relationship go. 

Remember, as one door closes, a new one opens. There is a whole new way of living for you to explore.

*Recent Book Collaboration - In Her Power

Soft Cover Book - In Her Power  $14.99 plus tax and shipping

or purchase the eBook version for $9.99, and read it today!

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FREE - "Top Coaches Share Personal Power Strategies"

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With sixteen years of experience as a Natural Health Consultant (NHC), Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor, Elizabeth shares her gifts for navigating through life’s challenges with passion, playfulness and purpose. Elizabeth works with her clients, one on one, or in group mastermind sessions. 
Live your life with more energy, enthusiasm and inspiration, open the doors to a greater you.
Contact me for a consult today!!!

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Create the life of your dreams, the time for you is NOW!!!

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